Prodajem viljuškar s rotirajućim vilicama
Specifikacije Koristi se u preradi i proizvodnji hrane za okretanje i izbacivanje tereta. Rotatori dodaju okretno gibanje od 360 stupnjeva, u oba smjera. Primjene: koriste se u preradi hrane i proizvodnji za okretanje i izbacivanje tereta. Rotatori dodaju okretno kretanje od 360°, u oba smjera, vilicama kamiona. Značajke: Robusna potpuno čelična konstrukcija, ispunjava zahtjeve za kontinuirani rad uz visoku učinkovitost. Okretno kretanje od 360°, u oba smjera. Razuman dizajn s pouzdanom hidrauličkom komponentom svjetske vrhunske kvalitete. Napomena: na kamionu je potreban jedan dodatni hidraulički krug. vilice...

Stezaljka vretena učvršćenja viličar klase 2 s duljinom od 1220 mm
Fork clamps can be used to hold the goods to carry on 360 degree continuous rotation,and can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production tray to the cheaper transport tray, can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production to a cheaper transport tray, thereby saving the tray cost. Videos Capacity@ Load Center (kg@mm) Catalog Mounting Class Opening Range (mm) Fork Length(A)(mm) Frame Width(mm) Vertical Center of Gravity(CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (CGH) (mm) ...

Pričvršćivanje viljuškara za bubnjeve
Specifications Drum Clamps Arm design for handling standard 55-gallon drums Replaceable rubber faced arm pads Regenerative hydraulic valving Our forklift drum clamps include side-shift and rotating 2 drums clamp, side-shift and rotating 4 drums clamp. Applications 1.Forklift Drum clamps are used wherever product is stored in drums, including the petroleum, chemical and food processing industries. 2.Forklift Drum clamps improve productivity by allowing a forklift driver to handle up to four drums per load. In addition, the use of a drum ...

Pričvršćivanje viljuškara s bubnjem rotatora
Introduction HUAMAI rotating drum clamps are used wherever product is stored in drums, including the petroleum, chemical and food processing industries. HUAMAI forklift drum clamps improve productivity by allowing a forklift driver to handle up to four drums per load. In addition, the use of a drum clamp allows the driver to securely grip the drums for transporting. This eliminates instability during braking and cornering, which is a common problem when attempting to handle drum with conventional forks. Videos Features ...